Community-Based Initiatives
CrossHCS works with local and state organizations to build Multi-Stakeholder Engagement Processes (MSEPs). Multi-Stakeholder Engagement Process are (structured) processes that are used to ensure participation on a specific issue. They aim to ensure participatory equity, accountability and transparency, and the creation of partnerships and networks amongst different stakeholders for improved dialogue and decision-making in all stages of planning and implementation. The inclusive and participatory nature of the processes creates a greater sense of ownership over its outcomes, and consequently, strengthens its sustainability. MSEPs also promote transparent and inclusive decision-making, strengthened stakeholder networks, and a sense of empowerment, thereby contributing to good governance. Additionally, they help create the conditions for confidence building and trust between different actors and serve as a mechanism for providing mutually acceptable solutions and win-win situations.
Community-Based Program Design
CrossHCS works to create common solutions to community-based healthcare issues. Centering on creating equity in health for all people, CrossHCS works with stakeholders to bring relevant parties together to develop innovative approaches to healthcare challenges. Leveraging social and restorative justice and human rights-based approaches, CrossHCS builds city, state, and national initiatives and programs that seek to not only understand disparities in health but build target strategies to eliminate them. Our work in this area includes program design, development, funding, implementation, and evaluation.
Leveraging Technology for Community-Level Change
Embracing technological innovation is central to reimagining how we approach disparities in care. As such, CrossHCS solutions networks and works with technology companies and start-ups who are focused on innovation in health. By keeping a finger on the pulse of technological innovation, CrossHCS can leverage new technology in the development of community-level healthcare initiatives. In addition to integrating technology in public health initiatives, CrossHCS also works with technology companies and start-ups on use case development, use case evaluation and health care advisory roles.